
Let’s go around the circle and say a little something about ourselves…


I’m a technical writer and content developer by day and a dark fiction writer by night (or early morning, whatever). I’ve worked various jobs and held various titles, but it’s the fiction writing I love and am likely to babble about here.

I am child-free by choice (CFBC) and of mixed race, topics that I am also likely to touch on from time to time.

The travel bug has bitten me, but like many working people on a limited budget, I don’t travel often enough. Sometimes when I travel, I write about it; sometimes I don’t.

I currently live in the greater Seattle area with my husband (Joe) and my two cats (Salem and Persephone).

I’m always open to writing work, and opportunities to advance my career, so if you’re looking for a writer, check out my Writer for Hire page.

My short story collection, 13 Morbid Tales is available now.

And stop by The Blog for the latest updates.